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Marbella GV

Mare, Chestnut, Westphalian, *2015
Breeder: Gestüt Vorwerk
Stick-measure: 0 cm
Licensing: 0

Moliere Münchhausen Hohenstein
El.St. Mohnbluete
Florence Ferragamo
St.Pr.St. Florabelle
Verb.Pr.St. Elastic Sandro Hit Sandro Song
El.St. Loretta
Verb.Pr./El.St. Egalite Feiner Stern
St.Pr./El.St. Egale III

Trained gently, Marbella GV was first presented at shows at the age of six and immediately placed in medium (M) level dressage tests for young horses under Laura Strobel. With junior rider Lisa-Marie Alswede, she has been successful in the A-level since 2023.

The sire Moliere comes from one of the most powerful mare families of all, has the Trakehner elite stallion Münchhausen as his sire and collected victories and placings in the international small tour under Victoria Max-Theurer.

Equipage, registered in the stud book as Elastic, passed a highly rated mare performance test and received the Verband premium.

Equipage's full sister Estelle produced the licensed stallion Sezarion (by Sezuan), half-sister Egalite II (by Rubinstein I) the premium stallion and successful up to Intermediate I Santo Dottore OLD (by Sir Donnerhall I) and Grand Prix winner London Eye OLD (by Londonderry). The half-sister St.Pr./El.St. Escarda (by Silvio I) produced the stallion Rocazino (by Rosentanz), the advanced (S) level dressage winner Assich's Showbiz (by San Amour I) and the international show jumper Cassandra (by Contendro I)/Maria Margarita Vargas/VEN. The half brother Rulit (by Rubinstein I) placed in medium (M**) level dressage classes.

The great-granddam St.Pr./El.St. Egale III produced the licensed stallion Fürst Igor (by Feinbrand) as well as the advanced (S) level dressage horses Waico Willy (by Waikato) and Paramount (by Plaisir d'Amour) and the advanced (S) level show jumper Felicitas (by Figaro). Her daughters are dams to the licensed stallions Cäsar L (by Cordial Medoc), Sir Lui and Sir Oliver H (both by Silvio I). Egale III's full sister St.Pr./El.St. Elegante is granddam of the premium stallion and successful in the international small tour Sternenfänger OLD (by Sir Donnerhall I).

From the Oldenburg line of Egatine countless other stallions, premium mares and sport horses, such as licensed stallions Hadrian (by Harlekin), Filigran (by Figaro), Fats (by Feiner Stern), Klassiker C (by Krack C), Rosenstolz (by Rooney), Lanceston (by Lafitte), Remy Martin Pur S (by Rubinstein I), Impuls (by Inselfuerst), Dark Sensation (by Diarado), August Laurin (by August der Starke), Fürst Sevillano (by Fürstenball), Gaitano OLD (by Goldberg), a son of Millennium and the winning stallions Don Deluxe (by De Niro) and D'Egalité (by Don Juan de Hus) as well as the Grand Prix horses Elisienne (by Donatelli I)/Nicki Grandia/USA and Showstar (by Sterntaler)/Ester Soldi/ITA.