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Hengst N.N. v. San Francisco OLD

Stallion, Bay, Westphalian, *2018
Breeder: Gestüt Vorwerk
Stick-measure: 0 cm
Licensing: 0

San Francisco Sandro Hit Sandro Song
El.St. Loretta
St.Pr./El.St. De Luxe M Donnerhall
Feuer und Flamme Florencio I Florestan I
Sherry Sion

In 2010, the sire San Francisco OLD won gold at the Bundeschampionat for three-year-old stallions, with a 10.0 for the - according to the judge's commentary - "ideal uphill canter", a 9.5 for the trot, which was marked with "a lot of ground gain and crossing", the looseness and the harmonious presentation and 19.0 points by the foreign riders. The dark bay had already won the Oldenburg State Championship before. He made his debut in the advanced class at the age of seven and is successful internationally in the small tour.

The granddam Sherry is none other than the full sister of Sterntaler Unicef, who won team gold at the European Championships in 2005 under Ann-Kathrin Linsenhoff and later paved the way for Matthias-Alexander Rath to enter Grand Prix sport. The couple crowned their joint successes with the German championship title and the bronze medal at the European Championships. The second full brother Shakiro won in the international small tour, the full sister Asionela is dam to the Grand Prix winner Der Stern OLD (by Dormello)/Isabell Werth and the half brother Notre Charmeur (by Noble Roi xx) placed in medium (M) level show jumping.

The fourth dam Atlanta produced the stallion Grand Canyon (by Grannus).

From the Hanoverian Oboe line also the licensed stallions Don Lorean (by Don Larino), who participated with Yuko Kitai/JPN in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro/BRA, Don Diamo (by Don Larino) and Flashback (by Flavio). Among many other sport horses in show jumping and dressage out of this line are the Grand Prix horses Desperado (by Dressage Royal)/Carola Koppelmann, Denaro (by Don Larino), Belladonna (by Don Larino) and Dream Box (by Dressage Royal).